Blood and Fire
The Celestial Lions Space Marines are being targeted by the Inquisition and have been brought to the brink of extinction. Will they regroup and rebuild, or will they choose to go out in a final blaze of glory? That is what Grimaldus must decide…
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"Combined with the powerful concept of almost an entire Space Marine chapter being annihilated on a single planet, and what that would do psychologically to both Grimaldus and any surviving Celestial Lions, it makes for a fascinating read, cleverly and carefully plotted and paced and with just the right amount of typically-40k violence to justify the Space Marine Battles tag."-- Track fo Words
"The story is incredibly well paced. In the moments between action, you are sucked into the motivations of each character, and organization involved. Is the Inquisition truly behind the sad fate of The Celestial Lions? And if so, why? And more importantly, will The Celestial Lions survive the coming battle? Or will you bear witness to the extinction of a noble and proud chapter of the Adeptus Astartes?"-- The Independent Characters