The Grey Knights are all that stands between mankind and the ravages of Chaos. Since their secretive beginnings during the Horus Heresy, these legendary Space Marine daemon hunters have journeyed into the dark realms of the warp – and beyond – in pursuit of their supernatural enemies.
Through an intensive regime of psychic training, new recruits are brought to the clandestine fortress of Titan to join the hallowed and vaunted ranks of the 666th Chapter. More than ever, these legendary battle-brothers must be vigilant and ever ready to defend the Imperium for the forces of Chaos are never truly defeated, and Armageddon beckons…
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Cover by Cheol Joo Lee
"Another great novel from one of The Black Library’s best. If you are at all a fan of Aaron Dembski-Bowdens previous works, you will love this book as well. " -- The Independent Characters Podcast"Simply one of the most emotionally charged novels from Black Library in recent years."-- The Founding Fields